Tag Archives: commentary

Homeless Man Saves Police Officer

22 Jan

this is awesome. i think the most awesome part is the hobo who rushes to the cop’s aid is a crip gangster who obviously by looking at him and his mannerisms/vocab spent more of his life in prison than on the streets heh.

i had this dude try to stab me this summer for not letting him use my cell phone (not because i refused, but because it was broken and wouldn’t dial out) and this homeless dude (well, i was/am homeless too lolol) curly smashed him out with a metal water bottle and got him to chase him up the block to the satellite where he threw him through the window.

the cops said all the street kids were heroes that night. curly had gotten a sit/stand/lie citation two hours before he saved my life lol. these are the stories not told by the mainstream media because being afraid of your neighbor makes so much better copy and grabs so many more eyeballs than the truth. :p

#streetstories #homeless

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